Job-related showing off How content and product design work together, ways to tighten a sentence, plain English writing tips, and a handy readability tool.
Classic grammar basics Grammar essentials, user-focused information architecture, how to prioritise content, and some super plain English guidelines.
The magic number Active and passive voice examples, designing with plain language, gender-inclusive writing techniques and writing for the web.
Word choices matter The basics of plain language, pair writing policy, rethinking the word vulnerable, and five plain English myths.
Set expectations Good survey questions, inclusive communications for teams, writing good AI prompts and a super accessibility tool.
Trust your users Trauma-informed principles and content design, style guide features, accessible communications and just avoid metaphors.
Sensible headings Heading structures, designing accessible and inclusive content, content patterns, and the cost of not using clear language.
All of the pages Two tip-top style guides, loads of accessibility resources, thoughts on dumbing down and hey – I'm soon available for freelance work!
What comes next? Building a plain English culture, the case for letter case, another text analysis tool and a tiny survey to find out what you want next.
Explain yourself! Clear microcopy, gender-inclusive writing guidelines, how jargon can empower communities, and a fantastic content-related podcast.