
A growing directory of free articles, tools and resources to help you write clear, accessible content.

Screenshot of Plain English Club Bookmarks landing page, which features 12 topics to choose from, each with its own icon.
Explore 12 topics from the Bookmarks landing page

I've been finding, collecting and sharing the internet's best plain English resources for the last couple of years. Now you can access them all in one free, searchable, lovingly tagged directory of bookmarks.

There are more than 100 resources categorised and tagged already and I will be adding to them every week. These are my bookmarks too! Feel free to send me a link if you have a resource you think should be there.

Bookmarks is an extension of the Plain English Weekly newsletter, which I send to 800+ clear language champs and content professionals. It's a regular collection of exciting links in your inbox and I think you'll like it.

Okay, ready to go find something wonderful to read, enjoy and learn from? Bookmarks is hosted over on the excellent Raindrop, so click or tap the magic button below and go explore!